Building Gerbil Modules and Packages

Drew Crampsie @drewc 14:28

Ok, dammit, I have so been trying to avoid becoming a major gerbil contributor but I think that was self-deprecation mixed with lazy stoner who is overworked somewhat already lol … not understanding that it saves time and effort to save time and effort … silly man.

How things are built matters. In order to save time and effort we do not want to rebuild everything each character change. At the same time, we want to be liberal and not enforce a style or layout upon developers.

/make/gxc Compile to a made library

Step 1: Compile a file to a library

Let us create a file, compile to the right spot, and run it.

package: drewc
(export hello)

(def (hello) "Hello World")
  (import :gerbil/compiler :std/srfi/13)
  ;; (export #t)

  (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
  (def libdir (string-append gerbil-path "/lib"))
  (def (module-package ctx)
    (let (id (symbol->string (gx#expander-context-id ctx)))
      (cond ((string-rindex id #\/)
             => (lambda (x) (substring id 0 x)))
            (#t ""))))
  (def (ss-file-libdir file)
    (string-append libdir "/" (module-package (gx#import-module file))))

  (def (make-ss file)
      (compile-file file
                     invoke-gsc: #t
                  ;   keep-scm: #f
                   ;  generate-ssxi: #t
                     verbose: #t

Test it out.

  (import :drewc/hello :std/test)
  (check (hello) => "Hello World")

  rm ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello*
  gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
      -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
      -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")'
compile ~/src/gerbil-build/test/
compile drewc/hello
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__0.scm
invoke gsc (gsc -:i8,f8,-8,t8 ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__0.scm)
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__rt.scm
invoke gsc (gsc -:i8,f8,-8,t8 ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__rt.scm)
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello.ssi
... check (hello) is equal? to "Hello World"

No package?

What happens if it has no package?

(export hello)

(def (hello) "Hello World... NOT!")
  (import :hello-no-package :std/test)
  (check (hello) => "Hello World... NOT!")
  rm ~/.gerbil/lib/hello-no-package*
  gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
      -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")'\
      -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")'
compile ~/src/gerbil-build/test/
compile hello-no-package
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/hello-no-package__0.scm
invoke gsc (gsc -:i8,f8,-8,t8 ~/.gerbil/lib/hello-no-package__0.scm)
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/hello-no-package__rt.scm
invoke gsc (gsc -:i8,f8,-8,t8 ~/.gerbil/lib/hello-no-package__rt.scm)
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/hello-no-package.ssi
... check (hello) is equal? to "Hello World... NOT!"

Step 2: Crib gxc-compile from Fare

  (import :gerbil/compiler :std/misc/path :std/misc/list

The Struct

We need a settings struct to start off with. We’ll make it almost identical save for renaming prefix to package.

    ;;; Settings: see details in doc/reference/
    (defstruct settings
      (srcdir libdir bindir package force optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
       libdir-prefix parallelize)
      transparent: #t constructor: :init!)

   (def current-make-settings (make-parameter #f))

One of the reasons behind this is to use many cores while compiling.

   (def (gerbil-build-cores)
     (with-catch (lambda (_) (##cpu-count)) (lambda () (string->number (getenv "GERBIL_BUILD_CORES")))))

In the init things need to change as well.

   (defmethod {:init! settings}
    (lambda (self
        srcdir: (srcdir_ #f) libdir: (libdir_ #f) bindir: (bindir_ #f)
        package: (package_ #f) force: (force? #f)
        optimize: (optimize #t) debug: (debug 'env)
        static: (static #t) static-debug: (static-debug #f)
        verbose: (verbose #f) build-deps: (build-deps_ #f)
        parallelize: (parallelize_ #t))
      (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
      (def srcdir (or srcdir_ (error "srcdir must be specified")))
      (def libdir (or libdir_ (path-expand "lib" gerbil-path)))
      (def bindir (or bindir_ (path-expand "bin" gerbil-path)))
      (def package (and package_ (if (symbol? package_) (symbol->string package_) package_)))
      (def libdir-prefix (if package (path-expand package libdir) libdir))
      (def build-deps (path-expand (or build-deps_ "build-deps") srcdir))
      (def parallelize (if (eq? parallelize_ #t) (gerbil-build-cores) (or parallelize_ 0)))
        srcdir libdir bindir package force? optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
        libdir-prefix parallelize))
    rebind: #t)

Now for the compilations. Rather than have it all chunked together I’ll break it into parts I can grasp a wee bit more.

gxc-outputs: the end of the beginning

Strangely enough, it seems that the entire reason I started this was an error that may get taken care of by redefining gxc-outputs.

Essentially, I want to return a list of the files gxc transpiles to, and any static files that are output.

I need to know a few paths

  1. The source code path
  2. The library path
  3. The static path
  • Source path

    The first is easy.

       (def (source-path mod ext settings)
         (path-expand (path-default-extension mod ext) (settings-srcdir settings)))
  • Library Path and Packages: The end all be all

    The compiler can put the compiled files in different locations that all depend on the package of that source file.

    We call a source file a mod. This is a string like “test/hello”.

    Every source file compiled by gxc is also a module. It may have a different super-package based on the package: keyword in the file or in a local or parent gerbil.pkg.

    The packages postfix to the library path then together they prefix the result location. It also may not exist.

    These are how they are discovered, in order.

    1. The module-id of the module, or..
    2. The gerbil.pkg in the directory containing the source file itself OR any parent directories up to srcdir:. If not…
    3. The package: option to the make settings.

    Let’s add a few test files

    A toplevel test/gerbil.pkg

       (package: drewc/build-test)

    Another one in test/sub/gerbil.pkg.

       (package: drewc/take-on-me)

    A source file test/sub/

       (export gbye)
       (def (gbye) "Goodbye World")
    • mod-module: Every .ss is a module

      An -id is a symbol, a -package a string.

        (def mod-modules (make-hash-table)) ;;; cache
        (def (mod-module mod (settings (current-make-settings)) (reload? #f))
          (let (v (hash-ref mod-modules mod (void)))
            (if (and (not (void? v)) (not reload?)) v
                (let* ((src (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
                       (m (and (file-exists? src) (gx#import-module src reload?))))
                  (begin0 m (hash-put! mod-modules mod m))))))
        (def module-id gx#expander-context-id)
        (def module-id-set! gx#expander-context-id-set!)

      (For our "test/hello" mod, test/sub/gbye and "test/hello-no-package", it is correct.

      has package: drewc at the top. That defines the containing package as drewc, and since this file is called hello, the id is drewc/hello.
      It is drewc/build-test/hello-no-package with the prefix coming from the test/gerbil.pkg
      drewc/take-on-me is the container from test/sub/gerbil.pkg
        (import :std/test)
        (def test-settings (settings srcdir: "~/src/gerbil-build"))
        (def test/hello-module (mod-module "test/hello" test-settings))
        (def test/sub/goodbye-module (mod-module "test/sub/goodbye" test-settings #t))
        (def test/hello-no-package-module (mod-module "test/hello-no-package" test-settings))
        (check (module-id test/hello-module) => 'drewc/hello)
        (check (module-id test/sub/goodbye-module) => 'drewc/take-on-me/goodbye)
        (check (module-id test/hello-no-package-module)
               => 'drewc/build-test/hello-no-package)
    • mod-core-module: The module has no root

      Finding the actual package can be a problem if we have it laid out on the filesystem where any of the parents have a gerbil.pkg.

      For example, a git subtree that you want to build should not change based on the fact that you store it in another directory.

      We’ll lay out a new project and a file like this:


      Now, without any package and without a gerbil.pkg, when we try to make that project, what comes up?

      (export hello)
      (def (hello) "Hello World... New Project!")
         (import :std/test)
        (def test-new-project-settings (settings srcdir: "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project")) 
         (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-module
           (mod-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
         ;;; This passes the test, but fails at what we want
         (check (module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-module)
                => 'drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package)

      The importer always looks towards parent directories for a package. That makes sense as it cannot know where to stop and always tried to succeed. That is a wonderful thing that makes life so much easier, but does result in some antics.

      As luck would have it, vyzo has taken care of the details in gx#core-read-module.

        (def mod-core-modules (make-hash-table))
        (def (mod-core-module mod (settings (current-make-settings)) (reload? #f))
          ;; => (values prelude module-id module-ns body)
          (def (mrm)
            (let (v (if reload? (void) (hash-ref mod-core-modules mod (void))))
              (if (not (void? v)) v
                  (let* ((src (path-force-extension mod ".ss"))
                         (rm (and (file-exists? src) (gx#core-read-module src))))
                    (begin0 rm (hash-put! mod-core-modules mod rm))))))
          (let ((srcdir (path-normalize (settings-srcdir settings)))
                (cd (path-normalize (current-directory))))
            (if (equal? srcdir cd) (mrm)
                (parameterize ((current-directory srcdir))
        (def core-module-prelude (cut values-ref <> 0))
        (def core-module-id (cut values-ref <> 1))
        (def core-module-ns (cut values-ref <> 2))
        (def core-module-code (cut values-ref <> 3))

      With that we can now see that this has no package.

        (import :std/test)
        (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module
          (mod-core-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
        (check (core-module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module)
               => 'new-hello-no-package)
    • Some testing and asking the compiler where it places things

      What happens when we compile that module as is?

       (def test-new-project-settings (settings srcdir: "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project"))
        (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-module
          (mod-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
        rm ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package*
        gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
            -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
            -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
            -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project/")'

      It ends up in ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/build-test/new-project/. We knew that.

      # => [...]
      compile drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package

      If we set the id to new-hello-no-package, say from the core-module-id?

        (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module
            (mod-core-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
        (set! (module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-module)
              (core-module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module))

      Awesome! That should now means that it tests out.

      (import :std/test :new-hello-no-package)
      (check (hello) => "Hello World... New Project!")
          rm ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/new-hello-no-package*
          gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
              -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
              -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
              -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
              -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project/")' \
              -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")'
      # =>
      ... check (hello) is equal? to "Hello World... New Project!"
    • mod-module-id: Finally, we know where it is and how to set it
        (def (mod-module-id mod (settings (current-make-settings)))
          (let ((mcm (mod-core-module mod settings))
                (sp (settings-package settings)))
            ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
            ;; find a package.
            (if (equal? mod (symbol->string (core-module-id mcm)))
              ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the package.
              (if (not sp) (string->symbol mod)
                  ;; otherwise add it as a super and return
                  (string->symbol (path-expand mod sp)))
              ;; Otherwise the mrm has the right id
              (core-module-id mcm))))

      Yes! Now we can specify where things go based on where they are.

        (import :std/test)
        (let* ((mod "new-hello-no-package")
               (modn (path-expand mod "new-project"))
               (modtn (path-expand modn "test"))
               (newsetdir "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project")
                (path-directory (path-strip-trailing-directory-separator newsetdir)))
                (path-directory (path-strip-trailing-directory-separator testsetdir))))
          ;;  make'ing it from that directory should have no container
          (check (mod-module-id mod (settings srcdir: newsetdir)) => 'new-hello-no-package)
          ;;  make'ing it from the parent picks up the parents gerbil.pkg
          (check (mod-module-id modn (settings srcdir: srcsetdir))
                 => 'drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package)
          ;;  make'ing it from the parent parent's parent should also picks up the
          ;;  parents gerbil.pkg
          (check (mod-module-id modtn (settings srcdir: testsetdir))
                 => 'drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package))
  • namespace: and prelude: Two other things that are set for modules

    The compiler also picks up those keywords from a parent so that even setting the module-id can leave us with some surprises.

    When we name a hello something else, we can import it as such.

       (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module
           (mod-core-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
       (set! (module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-module) 'foobarbaz)

    The issue is that the namespace is not set correctly. For example, the test/ file.

       (import :std/test :drewc/hello)
       (check (drewc/hello#hello) => "Hello World")

    But, for that :foobarbaz it’s quite different.

       (import :std/sugar :std/test :foobarbaz)
       (check (hello) => "Hello World... New Project!")
       ;;; This test passes but it shoudn't
       (check (try (foobarbaz#hello) (catch _ #f)) => #f)
       ;;; because it's in another namespace
       (check (drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package#hello)
              => "Hello World... New Project!")
       rm ~/.gerbil/foobarbaz*
       gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
           -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
           -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
           -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
           -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project/")'\
           -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
     # =>
     ... check (hello) is equal? to "Hello World... New Project!"
     ... check (try (foobarbaz#hello) (catch _ #f)) is equal? to #f
     ... check (drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package#hello) is equal? to "Hello World... New Project!"

    That’s because of the module-namespace.

       (def module-ns gx#module-context-ns)
       (def module-ns-set! gx#module-context-ns-set!)

    If we set it, we should get it?

       (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module
           (mod-core-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
       (set! (module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-module) 'foobarbaz)
       (set! (module-ns test/new-project-hello-no-package-module) "foobarbaz")

    Here’s the test …

       (import :std/sugar :std/test :foobarbaz)
       (check (hello) => "Hello World... New Project!")
       ;;; This test passes!
       (check (foobarbaz#hello) => "Hello World... New Project!")
       ;;; because it's not in another namespace
       (check (try (drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package#hello)
                (catch _ #f)) => #f)

    … but our test seems to fail. I think that’s because the body is set before we set the namespace.

    We’ll nick that.

       (def (prep-module-code module code)
         (gx#core-quote-syntax (gx#core-cons '%#begin code)
        (gx#module-context-path module) module []))


       (def test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module
           (mod-core-module "new-hello-no-package" test-new-project-settings))
       (set! (module-id test/new-project-hello-no-package-module) 'foobarbaz)
       (set! (module-ns test/new-project-hello-no-package-module) "foobarbaz")
       (set! (gx#&module-context-code test/new-project-hello-no-package-module)
         (prep-module-code test/new-project-hello-no-package-module (core-module-code test/new-project-hello-no-package-core-module)))

    Nope, still doesn’t work. That’s ok, the code knows.

    • (def module-id [...]
         (def module-name (path-strip-directory (path-strip-extension path)))
         (def module-id
           ;; If we provide _id, use it(d)!
           (or _id
             ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
             ;; find a package.
             (if (not (equal? module-name (symbol->string id))) id
               ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the id.
               (if (not _package) id
                   ;; otherwise add it as the package as a supercontainer and return
                   (string->symbol (path-expand module-name (symbol->string _package)))))))
    • (def module-ns [...]
       (def module-ns (or _ns (if (equal? module-name ns) (symbol->string module-id) ns)))
    • prep-import-module

      This is cribbed as well. Because the compiler does not re-import it, we set it here and that’s that. It also means we get rid of almost all the mod-* and mod-core code.

              ;;; -*- Gerbil -*-
              ;;; (C) vyzo at, me at
              (import :gerbil/expander/module :std/lazy)
              (def (prep-import-module
                    srcdir: (srcdir "/")
                    package: (_package #f)
                    id: (_id #f)
                    namespace: (_ns #f)
                    pre: (_pre #f)
                    (reload? #f))
                (def (import-source path)
                  (def mod-path (path-normalize path (or srcdir #f) (or srcdir "")))
                  (when (member path (gx#current-expander-path))
                    (error "Cyclic expansion" path))
                  (parameterize ((gx#current-expander-context (gx#core-context-root))
                                 (gx#current-expander-marks [])
                                 (gx#current-expander-phi 0)
                                  (cons path (gx#current-expander-path)))
                                 (gx#current-import-expander-phi #f)
                                 (gx#current-export-expander-phi #f))
                    (let-values (((pre id ns body)
                                  (gx#core-read-module mod-path)))
                         (def module-name (path-strip-directory (path-strip-extension path)))
                         (def module-id
                           ;; If we provide _id, use it(d)!
                           (or _id
                             ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
                             ;; find a package.
                             (if (not (equal? module-name (symbol->string id))) id
                               ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the id.
                               (if (not _package) id
                                   ;; otherwise add it as the package as a supercontainer and return
                                   (string->symbol (path-expand module-name (symbol->string _package)))))))
                       (def module-ns (or _ns (if (equal? module-name ns) (symbol->string module-id) ns)))
                      (let* ((prelude
                               ((gx#prelude-context? pre) pre)
                               ((gx#module-context? pre)
                                (gx#core-module->prelude-context pre))
                               ((string? pre)
                                 (core-import-module pre)))
                               ((not pre)
                                (or (gx#current-expander-module-prelude)
                                    (gx#make-prelude-context #f)))
                                (error "Cannot import module; unknown prelude" rpath pre))))
                              (gx#make-module-context module-id prelude module-ns path))
                             (gx#core-expand-module-begin body ctx))
                               (gx#core-cons '%#begin body)
                               path ctx [])))
                         (set! (gx#&module-context-e ctx)
                           (delay (gx#eval-syntax* body)))
                        (set! (gx#&module-context-code ctx)
                        (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) path ctx)
                        (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) id ctx)
                (let (npath (path-normalize rpath #f))
                   ((and (not reload?)
                         (hash-get (gx#current-expander-module-registry) npath))
                    => values)
                   (else (parameterize ((current-directory (or srcdir (current-directory))))
                           (import-source (path-normalize rpath #f)))))))
    • Time to test!
         (import :std/test)
         (def test/foobarbaz-module
            (source-path "new-hello-no-package" ".ss" test-new-project-settings)
            srcdir: (settings-srcdir test-new-project-settings)
            id: 'foobarbaz #t))
         (check (module-id test/foobarbaz-module) => 'foobarbaz)
         rm ~/.gerbil/lib/foobarbaz*
         gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/new-project/")'\
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \

      Yes! It worked.

       # =>
       ... check (hello) is equal? to "Hello World... New Project!"
       ... check (foobarbaz#hello) is equal? to "Hello World... New Project!"
       ... check (try (drewc/build-test/new-project/new-hello-no-package#hello) (catch _ #f)) is equal? to #f
       (export hello)
       (def (hello) "Hello World... New Project!")
    • Prelude and Postlude: Putting it all together

      The only thing we’re missing is a way to set a prelude in the make settings. In fact, we don’t set the namespace there either.

      Let’s unite things. We’ll create a settings-gerbil.pkg accessor.

         ;;; Settings: see details in doc/reference/
         (defstruct settings
           (srcdir libdir bindir force optimize debug static
                   static-debug verbose build-deps parallelize gerbil.pkg)
           transparent: #t constructor: :init!)
         (def current-make-settings (make-parameter #f))
         (def (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir)
            false (lambda () (call-with-input-file (path-expand "gerbil.pkg" srcdir) read))))
         (defmethod {:init! settings}
          (lambda (self
              srcdir: (srcdir_ #f) libdir: (libdir_ #f) bindir: (bindir_ #f)
              gerbil.pkg: (gxpkg_ #f) force: (force? #f)
              optimize: (optimize #t) debug: (debug 'env)
              static: (static #t) static-debug: (static-debug #f)
              verbose: (verbose #f) build-deps: (build-deps_ #f)
              parallelize: (parallelize_ #t))
            (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
            (def srcdir (or srcdir_ (error "srcdir must be specified")))
            (def gerbil.pkg (or gxpkg_ (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir_ )))
            (def libdir (or libdir_ (path-expand "lib" gerbil-path)))
            (def bindir (or bindir_ (path-expand "bin" gerbil-path)))
            (def build-deps (path-expand (or build-deps_ "build-deps") srcdir))
            (def parallelize (if (eq? parallelize_ #t) (gerbil-build-cores) (or parallelize_ 0)))
              srcdir libdir bindir force? optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
              parallelize gerbil.pkg))
            rebind: #t)
         (def (settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq s k (nope #f))
           (let (plist (settings-gerbil.pkg s))
             (if (not plist) nope (pgetq plist k nope))))
         (def settings-package (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> package:))
         (def settings-namespace (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> namespace:))
         (def settings-prelude (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> prelude:))

      Now that we’ve got that taken care of, let’s do preludes.

      “As of Gerbil v0.16-DEV-259-g13646d64 gerbil comes with a custom language prelude, :gerbil/polydactyl, that treats square brackets as plain parentheses instead of the reader expanding them to @list forms. The language is otherwise the same as :gerbil/core.” --

       (export hello)
       (def (hello) [list . '("Hello World" 2 3)])

      Without any prelude, that should return a list with a procedure as its member.

          (def test-no-prelude-settings (settings srcdir: "~/src/gerbil-build/test/prelude"))
          (def test/hello-no-prelude-module
             (source-path "hello" ".ss" test-no-prelude-settings)
             srcdir: (settings-srcdir test-no-prelude-settings)
             package: 'no-prelude
             namespace: 'np))
        (import :no-prelude/hello :std/test)
        (check ((car (hello)) (cadr (hello))) => '("Hello World"))

      It works, of course, because this is nothing new.

       ... check ((car (np#hello))) is equal? to "Hello World"

      Let’s set a prelude.

       #lang :gerbil/polydactyl
       ;;; does not work? prelude: :gerbil/polydactyl
       (export hello)
       (def (hello) [list . ("Hello World" 2 3)])
        (def test/hello-no-prelude-prelude-module
           (source-path "prehello" ".ss" test-no-prelude-settings)
           srcdir: (settings-srcdir test-no-prelude-settings)
           package: 'no-prelude
           namespace: 'np))
        (import :no-prelude/prehello :std/test)
        (check (car (hello)) =>"Hello World")
         rm -rf ~/.gerbil/lib/no-prelude ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/build-test/prelude/
         gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")' \
             -e '(make-ss "~/src/gerbil-build/test/prelude/")'\
             -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")'

      While it works, it turns out the #lang and prelude: are totally different things. While that is a good thing to learn, it also means the build script need not worry for now.

       ... check (car (hello)) is equal? to "Hello World"

Break into modules

Before starting on the major reason behind the last 800 or so LiterateLoC’s let’s start to break things up into parts. This helps to separate the code and concerns as well as test itself on itself.

First, a base where all things spring from. Well, that is to say, after pulling the bootstraps.

  (def (force-outputs) (force-output (current-error-port)) (force-output)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
  (def (message . lst) (apply displayln lst) (force-outputs)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
  package: std/make
  (import :std/misc/list :gerbil/gambit/ports)
  (export #t)

  (def default-gambit-gsc "gsc")
  (def default-gerbil-gxc "gxc")

  (def (gerbil-gsc)
    (getenv "GERBIL_GSC" default-gambit-gsc))
  (def (gerbil-gxc)
    (getenv "GERBIL_GXC" default-gerbil-gxc))

  ;;; Functions that should be better moved some library...
    (def (force-outputs) (force-output (current-error-port)) (force-output)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
    (def (message . lst) (apply displayln lst) (force-outputs)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
  (def (writeln x) (write x) (newline) (force-outputs)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
  (def (prefix/ prefix path) (if prefix (string-append prefix "/" path) path)) ;; move to std/misc/path ?

  ;;; Functions partially reimplemented from std/srfi/43. See bug #465
  (def (vector-for-each f v)
    (def l (vector-length v))
    (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i l) (begin (f i (vector-ref v i)) (loop (+ 1 i))))))
  (def (vector-ensure-ref v i f)
    (or (vector-ref v i) (let ((x (f))) (vector-set! v i x) x)))

Then the settings.

(def (settings-verbose>=? settings level)
  (def verbose (settings-verbose settings))
  (and (real? level) (real? verbose) (>= verbose level)))
package: std/make
(export #t)

   ;;; Settings: see details in doc/reference/
   (defstruct settings
     (srcdir libdir bindir force optimize debug static
             static-debug verbose build-deps parallelize gerbil.pkg)
     transparent: #t constructor: :init!)

   (def current-make-settings (make-parameter #f))

   (def (gerbil-build-cores)
     (with-catch (lambda (_) (##cpu-count)) (lambda () (string->number (getenv "GERBIL_BUILD_CORES")))))

   (def (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir)
      false (lambda () (call-with-input-file (path-expand "gerbil.pkg" srcdir) read))))

   (defmethod {:init! settings}
    (lambda (self
        srcdir: (srcdir_ #f) libdir: (libdir_ #f) bindir: (bindir_ #f)
        gerbil.pkg: (gxpkg_ #f) force: (force? #f)
        optimize: (optimize #t) debug: (debug 'env)
        static: (static #t) static-debug: (static-debug #f)
        verbose: (verbose #f) build-deps: (build-deps_ #f)
        parallelize: (parallelize_ #t))
      (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
      (def srcdir (or srcdir_ (error "srcdir must be specified")))
      (def gerbil.pkg (or gxpkg_ (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir_ )))
      (def libdir (or libdir_ (path-expand "lib" gerbil-path)))
      (def bindir (or bindir_ (path-expand "bin" gerbil-path)))
      (def build-deps (path-expand (or build-deps_ "build-deps") srcdir))
      (def parallelize (if (eq? parallelize_ #t) (gerbil-build-cores) (or parallelize_ 0)))
        srcdir libdir bindir force? optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
        parallelize gerbil.pkg))
      rebind: #t)

   (def (settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq s k (nope #f))
     (let (plist (settings-gerbil.pkg s))
       (if (not plist) nope (pgetq plist k nope))))

   (def settings-package (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> package:))
   (def settings-namespace (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> namespace:))
   (def settings-prelude (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> prelude:))

(def (settings-verbose>=? settings level)
  (def verbose (settings-verbose settings))
  (and (real? level) (real? verbose) (>= verbose level)))

Now the expander module.

  package: std/make
  (import :std/misc/func :gerbil/expander/module :std/lazy)
  (export #t)

          ;;; -*- Gerbil -*-
          ;;; (C) vyzo at, me at
          (import :gerbil/expander/module :std/lazy)
          (def (prep-import-module
                srcdir: (srcdir "/")
                package: (_package #f)
                id: (_id #f)
                namespace: (_ns #f)
                pre: (_pre #f)
                (reload? #f))
            (def (import-source path)
              (def mod-path (path-normalize path (or srcdir #f) (or srcdir "")))
              (when (member path (gx#current-expander-path))
                (error "Cyclic expansion" path))
              (parameterize ((gx#current-expander-context (gx#core-context-root))
                             (gx#current-expander-marks [])
                             (gx#current-expander-phi 0)
                              (cons path (gx#current-expander-path)))
                             (gx#current-import-expander-phi #f)
                             (gx#current-export-expander-phi #f))
                (let-values (((pre id ns body)
                              (gx#core-read-module mod-path)))
                     (def module-name (path-strip-directory (path-strip-extension path)))
                     (def module-id
                       ;; If we provide _id, use it(d)!
                       (or _id
                         ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
                         ;; find a package.
                         (if (not (equal? module-name (symbol->string id))) id
                           ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the id.
                           (if (not _package) id
                               ;; otherwise add it as the package as a supercontainer and return
                               (string->symbol (path-expand module-name (symbol->string _package)))))))
                   (def module-ns (or _ns (if (equal? module-name ns) (symbol->string module-id) ns)))
                  (let* ((prelude
                           ((gx#prelude-context? pre) pre)
                           ((gx#module-context? pre)
                            (gx#core-module->prelude-context pre))
                           ((string? pre)
                             (core-import-module pre)))
                           ((not pre)
                            (or (gx#current-expander-module-prelude)
                                (gx#make-prelude-context #f)))
                            (error "Cannot import module; unknown prelude" rpath pre))))
                          (gx#make-module-context module-id prelude module-ns path))
                         (gx#core-expand-module-begin body ctx))
                           (gx#core-cons '%#begin body)
                           path ctx [])))
                     (set! (gx#&module-context-e ctx)
                       (delay (gx#eval-syntax* body)))
                    (set! (gx#&module-context-code ctx)
                    (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) path ctx)
                    (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) id ctx)
            (let (npath (path-normalize rpath #f))
               ((and (not reload?)
                     (hash-get (gx#current-expander-module-registry) npath))
                => values)
               (else (parameterize ((current-directory (or srcdir (current-directory))))
                       (import-source (path-normalize rpath #f)))))))

  (def expander-module-id gx#expander-context-id)

  (def expander-module-name
    (compose string->symbol path-strip-directory
             symbol->string expander-module-id))

  (def expander-module-relative-library-directory
    (compose path-strip-trailing-directory-separator path-directory
             symbol->string expander-module-id))

  (def (expander-module-package m)
    (let (d (expander-module-relative-library-directory m))
      (if (equal? "" d) #f (string->symbol d))))

  (def expander-module-namespace gx#module-context-ns)
  (def expander-module-prelude gx#&phi-context-super)

mod’s: Talking ’bout this generation

Time for the mod’s to rumble. What is a mod? A mod is a string specifying a file’s name and relative location.

With a mod we can get an expander-module which has an expander-module-relative-library-directory.

That’s what we need for library-path.

  (def (library-path mod ext (settings (current-make-settings)))
    (let (expm (mod-expander-module mod settings))
      (path-expand (path-force-extension mod ext)
                   (path-expand (expander-module-relative-library-directory expm)
                                (settings-libdir settings)))))
  package: std/make
  (import ./expander-module :std/make/settings :std/misc/func :std/misc/path)
  (export #t)

     (def (source-path mod ext settings)
       (path-expand (path-default-extension mod ext) (settings-srcdir settings)))

  (def mod-expander-modules (make-hash-table)) ;;; cache
  (def (mod-expander-module mod (settings (current-make-settings)) (reload? #f))
    (let (v (hash-ref mod-expander-modules mod (void)))
      (if (and (not (void? v)) (not reload?)) v
          (let* ((src (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
                 (m (and (file-exists? src)
                          srcdir: (settings-srcdir settings)
                          package: (settings-package settings)
                          namespace: (settings-namespace settings)
            (begin0 m (hash-put! mod-expander-modules mod m))))))

    (def (library-path mod ext (settings (current-make-settings)))
      (let (expm (mod-expander-module mod settings))
        (path-expand (path-force-extension mod ext)
                     (path-expand (expander-module-relative-library-directory expm)
                                  (settings-libdir settings)))))

  (def (static-file-path file settings)
    (let* ((libdir (settings-libdir settings))
           (staticdir (path-expand "static" libdir))
           (filename (path-strip-directory file)))
      (path-expand filename staticdir)))

gxc-compile-file: `make;make install`

(def (gsc-compile-opts opts)
  (match opts
    ([[plist ...] . rest] (listify rest))
    (_ (listify opts))))
  (def (gxc-compile-file mod opts settings (invoke-gsc? #t))
    (message "... compile-file " mod)
    (def gsc-opts (gsc-compile-opts opts))
    (def srcpath (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
    (let ((gxc-opts
           [invoke-gsc: invoke-gsc?
                        keep-scm: (not invoke-gsc?)
                        output-dir: (settings-libdir settings)
                        optimize: (settings-optimize settings)
                        debug: (settings-debug settings)
                        generate-ssxi: #t
                        static: (settings-static settings)
                        verbose: (settings-verbose>=? settings 9)
                        (when/list gsc-opts [gsc-options: gsc-opts]) ...]))
      (compile-file srcpath gxc-opts)))


Going to have an attempt at building that before there’s a function to build it, as we have all along.

Because we cannot build ourselves we bootstrap our build.

  (import :std/misc/path :std/misc/list :gerbil/compiler)

     ;;; Settings: see details in doc/reference/
     (defstruct settings
       (srcdir libdir bindir force optimize debug static
               static-debug verbose build-deps parallelize gerbil.pkg)
       transparent: #t constructor: :init!)
     (def current-make-settings (make-parameter #f))

  (def (settings-verbose>=? settings level)
    (def verbose (settings-verbose settings))
    (and (real? level) (real? verbose) (>= verbose level)))
     (def (gerbil-build-cores)
       (with-catch (lambda (_) (##cpu-count)) (lambda () (string->number (getenv "GERBIL_BUILD_CORES")))))

     (def (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir)
        false (lambda () (call-with-input-file (path-expand "gerbil.pkg" srcdir) read))))
     (defmethod {:init! settings}
      (lambda (self
          srcdir: (srcdir_ #f) libdir: (libdir_ #f) bindir: (bindir_ #f)
          gerbil.pkg: (gxpkg_ #f) force: (force? #f)
          optimize: (optimize #t) debug: (debug 'env)
          static: (static #t) static-debug: (static-debug #f)
          verbose: (verbose #f) build-deps: (build-deps_ #f)
          parallelize: (parallelize_ #t))
        (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
        (def srcdir (or srcdir_ (error "srcdir must be specified")))
        (def gerbil.pkg (or gxpkg_ (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir_ )))
        (def libdir (or libdir_ (path-expand "lib" gerbil-path)))
        (def bindir (or bindir_ (path-expand "bin" gerbil-path)))
        (def build-deps (path-expand (or build-deps_ "build-deps") srcdir))
        (def parallelize (if (eq? parallelize_ #t) (gerbil-build-cores) (or parallelize_ 0)))
          srcdir libdir bindir force? optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
          parallelize gerbil.pkg))
        rebind: #t)
     (def (settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq s k (nope #f))
       (let (plist (settings-gerbil.pkg s))
         (if (not plist) nope (pgetq plist k nope))))
     (def settings-package (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> package:))
     (def settings-namespace (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> namespace:))
     (def settings-prelude (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> prelude:))

          ;;; -*- Gerbil -*-
          ;;; (C) vyzo at, me at
          (import :gerbil/expander/module :std/lazy)
          (def (prep-import-module
                srcdir: (srcdir "/")
                package: (_package #f)
                id: (_id #f)
                namespace: (_ns #f)
                pre: (_pre #f)
                (reload? #f))
            (def (import-source path)
              (def mod-path (path-normalize path (or srcdir #f) (or srcdir "")))
              (when (member path (gx#current-expander-path))
                (error "Cyclic expansion" path))
              (parameterize ((gx#current-expander-context (gx#core-context-root))
                             (gx#current-expander-marks [])
                             (gx#current-expander-phi 0)
                              (cons path (gx#current-expander-path)))
                             (gx#current-import-expander-phi #f)
                             (gx#current-export-expander-phi #f))
                (let-values (((pre id ns body)
                              (gx#core-read-module mod-path)))
                     (def module-name (path-strip-directory (path-strip-extension path)))
                     (def module-id
                       ;; If we provide _id, use it(d)!
                       (or _id
                         ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
                         ;; find a package.
                         (if (not (equal? module-name (symbol->string id))) id
                           ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the id.
                           (if (not _package) id
                               ;; otherwise add it as the package as a supercontainer and return
                               (string->symbol (path-expand module-name (symbol->string _package)))))))
                   (def module-ns (or _ns (if (equal? module-name ns) (symbol->string module-id) ns)))
                  (let* ((prelude
                           ((gx#prelude-context? pre) pre)
                           ((gx#module-context? pre)
                            (gx#core-module->prelude-context pre))
                           ((string? pre)
                             (core-import-module pre)))
                           ((not pre)
                            (or (gx#current-expander-module-prelude)
                                (gx#make-prelude-context #f)))
                            (error "Cannot import module; unknown prelude" rpath pre))))
                          (gx#make-module-context module-id prelude module-ns path))
                         (gx#core-expand-module-begin body ctx))
                           (gx#core-cons '%#begin body)
                           path ctx [])))
                     (set! (gx#&module-context-e ctx)
                       (delay (gx#eval-syntax* body)))
                    (set! (gx#&module-context-code ctx)
                    (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) path ctx)
                    (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) id ctx)
            (let (npath (path-normalize rpath #f))
               ((and (not reload?)
                     (hash-get (gx#current-expander-module-registry) npath))
                => values)
               (else (parameterize ((current-directory (or srcdir (current-directory))))
                       (import-source (path-normalize rpath #f)))))))

     (def (source-path mod ext settings)
       (path-expand (path-default-extension mod ext) (settings-srcdir settings)))

    (def (force-outputs) (force-output (current-error-port)) (force-output)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
    (def (message . lst) (apply displayln lst) (force-outputs)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?

  (def (gsc-compile-opts opts)
    (match opts
      ([[plist ...] . rest] (listify rest))
      (_ (listify opts))))

    (def (gxc-compile-file mod opts settings (invoke-gsc? #t))
      (message "... compile-file " mod)
      (def gsc-opts (gsc-compile-opts opts))
      (def srcpath (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
      (let ((gxc-opts
             [invoke-gsc: invoke-gsc?
                          keep-scm: (not invoke-gsc?)
                          output-dir: (settings-libdir settings)
                          optimize: (settings-optimize settings)
                          debug: (settings-debug settings)
                          generate-ssxi: #t
                          static: (settings-static settings)
                          verbose: (settings-verbose>=? settings 9)
                          (when/list gsc-opts [gsc-options: gsc-opts]) ...]))
        (compile-file srcpath gxc-opts)))

  (def (set-loadpath settings)
    (let* ((loadpath (getenv "GERBIL_LOAD_PATH" #f))
           (loapath (if loadpath (string-append loadpath ":") ""))
           (loadpath (string-append (or loadpath "") (settings-srcdir settings))))
      (setenv "GERBIL_LOAD_PATH" loadpath)))

  (def (prep-mod mod settings (reload? #f))
    (prep-import-module                   ;
     (source-path mod ".ss" settings)
     srcdir: (settings-srcdir settings)
     package: (settings-package settings)
     namespace: (settings-namespace settings)

  (def (build-mods mods (srcdir (path-normalize (path-directory (this-source-file)))))
    (def settings (make-settings srcdir: srcdir verbose: #t))
    (set-loadpath settings)

    (def (build-mod mod) (message "building " mod)
      (prep-mod mod settings)
      (gxc-compile-file mod [] settings))

    (message "Builings Mods " mods)

    (let build ((ms mods))
      (unless (null? ms)
        (build-mod (car ms)) (build (cdr ms)))))
  (def +this-file+ (this-source-file))
  (def +this-srcdir+ (path-normalize (path-directory +this-file+)))

  (current-directory +this-srcdir+)
  (load "")

  (def mods
    '("make/base" "make/settings" "make/expander-module" "make/mod"))

  (def +mod-src-dir+ (path-expand ".." +this-srcdir+ ))

  (current-directory +mod-src-dir+)

  (message "srcdir " +mod-src-dir+)

  (build-mods mods +mod-src-dir+)

   rm -rf ~/.gerbil/lib/std/make/*
 srcdir /home/user/src/gerbil-build/test/..
 Builings Mods (make/base make/settings make/expander-module make/mod)
 building make/base
 ... compile-file make/base
 building make/settings
 ... compile-file make/settings
 building make/expander-module
 ... compile-file make/expander-module
 building make/mod
 ... compile-file make/mod

Step 3: Release pre-0.1 build

Now that I have it working to build itself it’s time to release it. First compile all the files using ourself.

The make/boostrap module has the bare minimum needed to make something.

  package: std/make
  namespace: std/make/bootstrap
  (import :std/misc/path :std/misc/list :gerbil/compiler :gerbil/gambit/ports)
  (export #t)

     ;;; Settings: see details in doc/reference/
     (defstruct settings
       (srcdir libdir bindir force optimize debug static
               static-debug verbose build-deps parallelize gerbil.pkg)
       transparent: #t constructor: :init!)
     (def current-make-settings (make-parameter #f))

  (def (settings-verbose>=? settings level)
    (def verbose (settings-verbose settings))
    (and (real? level) (real? verbose) (>= verbose level)))

     (def (gerbil-build-cores)
       (with-catch (lambda (_) (##cpu-count)) (lambda () (string->number (getenv "GERBIL_BUILD_CORES")))))

     (def (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir)
        false (lambda () (call-with-input-file (path-expand "gerbil.pkg" srcdir) read))))
     (defmethod {:init! settings}
      (lambda (self
          srcdir: (srcdir_ #f) libdir: (libdir_ #f) bindir: (bindir_ #f)
          gerbil.pkg: (gxpkg_ #f) force: (force? #f)
          optimize: (optimize #t) debug: (debug 'env)
          static: (static #t) static-debug: (static-debug #f)
          verbose: (verbose #f) build-deps: (build-deps_ #f)
          parallelize: (parallelize_ #t))
        (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
        (def srcdir (or srcdir_ (error "srcdir must be specified")))
        (def gerbil.pkg (or gxpkg_ (read-gerbil.pkg-plist srcdir_ )))
        (def libdir (or libdir_ (path-expand "lib" gerbil-path)))
        (def bindir (or bindir_ (path-expand "bin" gerbil-path)))
        (def build-deps (path-expand (or build-deps_ "build-deps") srcdir))
        (def parallelize (if (eq? parallelize_ #t) (gerbil-build-cores) (or parallelize_ 0)))
          srcdir libdir bindir force? optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
          parallelize gerbil.pkg))
        rebind: #t)
     (def (settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq s k (nope #f))
       (let (plist (settings-gerbil.pkg s))
         (if (not plist) nope (pgetq plist k nope))))
     (def settings-package (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> package:))
     (def settings-namespace (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> namespace:))
     (def settings-prelude (cut settings-gerbil.pkg-pgetq <> prelude:))

          ;;; -*- Gerbil -*-
          ;;; (C) vyzo at, me at
          (import :gerbil/expander/module :std/lazy)
          (def (prep-import-module
                srcdir: (srcdir "/")
                package: (_package #f)
                id: (_id #f)
                namespace: (_ns #f)
                pre: (_pre #f)
                (reload? #f))
            (def (import-source path)
              (def mod-path (path-normalize path (or srcdir #f) (or srcdir "")))
              (when (member path (gx#current-expander-path))
                (error "Cyclic expansion" path))
              (parameterize ((gx#current-expander-context (gx#core-context-root))
                             (gx#current-expander-marks [])
                             (gx#current-expander-phi 0)
                              (cons path (gx#current-expander-path)))
                             (gx#current-import-expander-phi #f)
                             (gx#current-export-expander-phi #f))
                (let-values (((pre id ns body)
                              (gx#core-read-module mod-path)))
                     (def module-name (path-strip-directory (path-strip-extension path)))
                     (def module-id
                       ;; If we provide _id, use it(d)!
                       (or _id
                         ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
                         ;; find a package.
                         (if (not (equal? module-name (symbol->string id))) id
                           ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the id.
                           (if (not _package) id
                               ;; otherwise add it as the package as a supercontainer and return
                               (string->symbol (path-expand module-name (symbol->string _package)))))))
                   (def module-ns (or _ns (if (equal? module-name ns) (symbol->string module-id) ns)))
                  (let* ((prelude
                           ((gx#prelude-context? pre) pre)
                           ((gx#module-context? pre)
                            (gx#core-module->prelude-context pre))
                           ((string? pre)
                             (core-import-module pre)))
                           ((not pre)
                            (or (gx#current-expander-module-prelude)
                                (gx#make-prelude-context #f)))
                            (error "Cannot import module; unknown prelude" rpath pre))))
                          (gx#make-module-context module-id prelude module-ns path))
                         (gx#core-expand-module-begin body ctx))
                           (gx#core-cons '%#begin body)
                           path ctx [])))
                     (set! (gx#&module-context-e ctx)
                       (delay (gx#eval-syntax* body)))
                    (set! (gx#&module-context-code ctx)
                    (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) path ctx)
                    (hash-put! (gx#current-expander-module-registry) id ctx)
            (let (npath (path-normalize rpath #f))
               ((and (not reload?)
                     (hash-get (gx#current-expander-module-registry) npath))
                => values)
               (else (parameterize ((current-directory (or srcdir (current-directory))))
                       (import-source (path-normalize rpath #f)))))))

     (def (source-path mod ext settings)
       (path-expand (path-default-extension mod ext) (settings-srcdir settings)))

    (def (force-outputs) (force-output (current-error-port)) (force-output)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?
    (def (message . lst) (apply displayln lst) (force-outputs)) ;; move to std/misc/ports ?

  (def (gsc-compile-opts opts)
    (match opts
      ([[plist ...] . rest] (listify rest))
      (_ (listify opts))))

    (def (gxc-compile-file mod opts settings (invoke-gsc? #t))
      (message "... compile-file " mod)
      (def gsc-opts (gsc-compile-opts opts))
      (def srcpath (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
      (let ((gxc-opts
             [invoke-gsc: invoke-gsc?
                          keep-scm: (not invoke-gsc?)
                          output-dir: (settings-libdir settings)
                          optimize: (settings-optimize settings)
                          debug: (settings-debug settings)
                          generate-ssxi: #t
                          static: (settings-static settings)
                          verbose: (settings-verbose>=? settings 9)
                          (when/list gsc-opts [gsc-options: gsc-opts]) ...]))
        (compile-file srcpath gxc-opts)))

  (def (set-loadpath settings)
    (let* ((loadpath (getenv "GERBIL_LOAD_PATH" #f))
           (loapath (if loadpath (string-append loadpath ":") ""))
           (loadpath (string-append (or loadpath "") (settings-srcdir settings))))
      (setenv "GERBIL_LOAD_PATH" loadpath)))

  (def (prep-mod mod settings (reload? #f))
    (prep-import-module                   ;
     (source-path mod ".ss" settings)
     srcdir: (settings-srcdir settings)
     package: (settings-package settings)
     namespace: (settings-namespace settings)

  (def (bootstrap-make mods srcdir)
    (def settings (make-settings srcdir: srcdir verbose: 10))
    (set-loadpath settings)

    (def (build-mod mod) (message "Bootstrap building " mod)
      (prep-mod mod settings)
      (gxc-compile-file mod [] settings))

    (let build ((ms mods))
      (unless (null? ms)
        (build-mod (car ms)) (build (cdr ms)))))
  • make/gsc: The Gambit compiler

    There’s one function that belongs here.

    package: std/make
    (import :std/misc/list)
    (export gsc-compile-opts)
    (def (gsc-compile-opts opts)
      (match opts
        ([[plist ...] . rest] (listify rest))
        (_ (listify opts))))
  • make/gxc: The gerbil compiler

    Now, it seems that the entire reason I started this was an error that may get taken care of by redefining gxc-outputs. Still not quite done as I have no idea where static-path is actually built or used, but that matters not for this release.

    (def (gxc-outputs mod opts settings)
      [(library-path mod ".ssi" settings)
      ; (when/list (settings-static settings) [(static-path mod settings)]) ...
     package: std/make
     (import ./base ./settings ./mod ./gsc :std/misc/list :gerbil/compiler)
     (export gxc-compile gxc-outputs)
     (def (gxc-outputs mod opts settings)
       [(library-path mod ".ssi" settings)
       ; (when/list (settings-static settings) [(static-path mod settings)]) ...
       (def (gxc-compile-file mod opts settings (invoke-gsc? #t))
         (message "... compile-file " mod)
         (def gsc-opts (gsc-compile-opts opts))
         (def srcpath (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
         (let ((gxc-opts
                [invoke-gsc: invoke-gsc?
                             keep-scm: (not invoke-gsc?)
                             output-dir: (settings-libdir settings)
                             optimize: (settings-optimize settings)
                             debug: (settings-debug settings)
                             generate-ssxi: #t
                             static: (settings-static settings)
                             verbose: (settings-verbose>=? settings 9)
                             (when/list gsc-opts [gsc-options: gsc-opts]) ...]))
           (compile-file srcpath gxc-opts)))
     (def gxc-compile gxc-compile-file)
  • make/spec: Specifications

    Essentially we want a short form syntax for making make/makefiles, aka

    Specs are built.

      (def (spec-build spec settings)
        (match spec
          ((? string? modf)
           (gxc-compile modf #f settings #t))
          ([gxc: modf . opts]
           (gxc-compile modf opts settings #t))
          ;; ([gsc: modf . opts]
          ;;  (gsc-compile modf opts settings))
          ;; ([ssi: modf . submodules]
          ;;  (for-each (cut build <> settings) submodules)
          ;;  (compile-ssi modf '() settings))
          ;; ([exe: modf . opts]
          ;;  (compile-exe modf opts settings))
          ;; ([static-exe: modf . opts]
          ;;  (compile-static-exe modf opts settings))
          ;; ([static-include: file]
          ;;  (copy-static file settings))
          ;; ([copy: file]
          ;;  (copy-compiled file settings))
           (error "Bad buildspec" spec))))
      package: std/make
      (import ./mod ./gxc :std/srfi/1)
      (export #t)
      ;;; Build item spec
      (def (spec-type spec)
        (match spec
          ((? string? _) gxc:)
          ([(? keyword? type) . _] type)
          (else (error "Bad buildspec" spec))))
      (def (spec-file spec settings)
        (match spec
          ((? string? modf) (source-path modf ".ss" settings))
          ([gxc: modf . opts] (source-path modf ".ss" settings))
          ([gsc: modf . opts] (source-path modf ".scm" settings))
          ([ssi: modf . deps] (source-path modf ".ssi" settings))
          ([exe: modf . opts] (source-path modf ".ss" settings))
          ([static-exe: modf . opts] (source-path modf ".ss" settings))
          ([static-include: file] (static-file-path file settings))
          ([copy: file] file)
           (error "Bad buildspec" spec))))
      (def (spec-inputs spec settings)
        [(spec-file spec settings) (spec-extra-inputs spec settings) ...])
      (def (spec-extra-inputs spec settings)
        (match spec
          ([gxc: . _] (pgetq extra-inputs: (spec-plist spec) []))
          ([gsc: . _] (pgetq extra-inputs: (spec-plist spec) []))
          ([ssi: _ . submodules] (append-map (cut spec-inputs <> settings) submodules))
          (_ [])))
      (def (spec-plist spec)
        (match spec
          ([(? (cut member <> '(gxc: gsc:))) _ [plist ...] . _] plist)
          (_ [])))
      (def (spec-outputs spec settings)
        (match spec
          ((? string? modf) (gxc-outputs modf #f settings))
          ([gxc: modf . opts] (gxc-outputs modf opts settings))
          ;; ([gsc: modf . opts] [(gsc-c-path modf settings)])
          ([ssi: modf . submodules] [(library-path modf ".ssi" settings)
                                     (append-map (cut spec-outputs <> settings) submodules) ...])
          ;; ([exe: modf . opts] [(library-path modf ".ssi" settings)
          ;;                      (binary-path modf opts settings)])
          ;; ([static-exe: modf . opts] [(binary-path modf opts settings)
          ;;                            (static-path modf settings)])
          ([static-include: file] [(static-file-path file settings)])
          ([copy: file] [(library-path file #f settings)])
          (else (error "Bad buildspec" spec))))
      (def (spec-backgroundable? spec)
        (case (spec-type spec)
          ((gxc:) (not (pgetq foreground: (spec-plist spec))))
          ((gsc:) #t)
          (else #f)))
        (def (spec-build spec settings)
          (match spec
            ((? string? modf)
             (gxc-compile modf #f settings #t))
            ([gxc: modf . opts]
             (gxc-compile modf opts settings #t))
            ;; ([gsc: modf . opts]
            ;;  (gsc-compile modf opts settings))
            ;; ([ssi: modf . submodules]
            ;;  (for-each (cut build <> settings) submodules)
            ;;  (compile-ssi modf '() settings))
            ;; ([exe: modf . opts]
            ;;  (compile-exe modf opts settings))
            ;; ([static-exe: modf . opts]
            ;;  (compile-static-exe modf opts settings))
            ;; ([static-include: file]
            ;;  (copy-static file settings))
            ;; ([copy: file]
            ;;  (copy-compiled file settings))
             (error "Bad buildspec" spec))))
  • make/make: The maker of makes

    We very much want to be minimal. This is where the middle meddling all takes place.

    We’ll just simply experiment. We error if there is no input, and warn if the output “fails”.

      package: std/make
      (import ./spec ./base ./settings)
      (export make)
      (def (make-spec spec settings)
        (def inputs (spec-inputs spec settings))
        (def outputs (spec-outputs spec settings))
        (let exists? ((is inputs))
          (unless (null? is)
            (unless (file-exists? (car is))
              (error "Build Input file does not exist: " (car is)))
            (exists? (cdr is))))
        (let (res (spec-build spec settings))
          (begin0 res
            (message "build result " res " for " spec)
            (let exists? ((os outputs))
              (unless (null? os) (unless (file-exists? (car os))
                                   (displayln "\nBuild Output file does not exist: " (car os)))
                      (exists? (cdr os)))))))
      (def (make build-spec . args)
        (def settings (apply make-settings args))
        (let %make ((s build-spec))
          (def spec (car s)) (def rest (cdr s))
          (make-spec spec settings) (unless (null? rest) (%make rest))))
  • /make/script: A clone of up above.
    ;;; -*- Gerbil -*-
    ;;; (C) vyzo at, me at
    ;;; package build script template
    package: std/make
    (import :std/make/make
    (export defmake-script build-main)
    (def (build-main args build-spec keys that-file)
      (def srcdir (path-normalize (path-directory that-file)))
      (def (build) (apply make build-spec srcdir: srcdir keys))
      (match args
        (["meta"] (write '("spec" "compile")) (newline))
        (["spec"] (pretty-print build-spec))
        (["compile"] (build))
        ([] (build))))
    (defsyntax (defmake-script stx)
      (syntax-case stx ()
        ((macro build-spec keys ...)
         (with-syntax* ((@this-script (stx-identifier #'macro 'this-source-file))
                        (+this-source-file+ (syntax/loc stx (@this-script)))
                        (@main        (stx-identifier #'macro 'main)))
           #'(def (@main . args)
               (build-main args build-spec [keys ...] +this-source-file+))))))
  • The makefile for making makefiles.
      (import :gerbil/expander :std/misc/path )
      (def this-file (this-source-file))
      (def srcdir (path-directory this-file))
      (def build-specs
        '("make/base" "make/settings" "make/expander-module" "make/mod"
          "make/gsc" "make/gxc" "make/spec" "make/make" "make/script"))
      (gx#import-module (path-expand "make/" srcdir) #t #t)
      ((eval 'std/make/bootstrap#bootstrap-make) build-specs srcdir)

Step 4: Test the new make/script

This is just simple. There’s a lot more to come but prerelease means only this.

  (import :std/make/script)
  (defmake-script ["hello"] verbose: 10)
rm ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello*
... compile-file hello
compile /home/user/src/gerbil-build/test/
compile drewc/hello 
# [...] 
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__0.scm
invoke gsc (gsc -:i8,f8,-8,t8 -debug-environments ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__0.scm)
copy static module ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__0.scm => ~/.gerbil/lib/static/drewc__hello.scm
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__rt.scm
invoke gsc (gsc -:i8,f8,-8,t8 -debug-environments ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello__rt.scm)
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/hello.ssi
generate typedecl drewc/hello#hello
compile ~/.gerbil/lib/drewc/
build result #!void for hello
  (import :drewc/hello :std/test)

  (check (drewc/hello#hello) => "Hello World")
gxi -e '(load "~/src/gerbil-build/test/")'


Hello World

Step 5: Publish Documentation (literately)

Literate programming involves weaving out documentation as well and tangling source code.

As of “right now” (git commit: d0ac46b370dbfa915b65a3c024eb63ac27d1024e), everything is contained in a which, to be quite honest, is not necessarily the correct place to design, implement and document an entire project.

Org Mode and HTML

“The export options template The first choice is the export options template on top of the file. When in an Org-mode file, you may insert basic information using C-c C-e # (org-export-dispatch)”

(setq org-publish-project-alist
         :base-directory "~/src/gerbil-build/"
         :publishing-directory "~/src/gerbil-build/doc/html/"
         :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
         :recursive t
         :exclude "doc/html"
         :base-extension "css\\|js\\|png\\|jpg\\|gif\\|pdf\\|mp3\\|ogg\\|swf"

         :base-directory "~/src/gerbil-build/"
         :exclude "doc/html"
         :publishing-directory "~/src/gerbil-build/doc/html/"
         :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
         :section-numbers nil
         :with-toc nil
         :recursive t)

I’m going to make a simple file that really is the index of this project for everybody. For now it’s very simple.

GitHub Pages

The entire point of documentation is to read it. Right now, github is the place.



    (import :gerbil/compiler :std/misc/path :std/misc/list

      ;;; Settings: see details in doc/reference/
      (defstruct settings
        (srcdir libdir bindir package force optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
         libdir-prefix parallelize)
        transparent: #t constructor: :init!)
     (def current-make-settings (make-parameter #f))

     (def (gerbil-build-cores)
       (with-catch (lambda (_) (##cpu-count)) (lambda () (string->number (getenv "GERBIL_BUILD_CORES")))))

     (defmethod {:init! settings}
      (lambda (self
          srcdir: (srcdir_ #f) libdir: (libdir_ #f) bindir: (bindir_ #f)
          package: (package_ #f) force: (force? #f)
          optimize: (optimize #t) debug: (debug 'env)
          static: (static #t) static-debug: (static-debug #f)
          verbose: (verbose #f) build-deps: (build-deps_ #f)
          parallelize: (parallelize_ #t))
        (def gerbil-path (getenv "GERBIL_PATH" "~/.gerbil"))
        (def srcdir (or srcdir_ (error "srcdir must be specified")))
        (def libdir (or libdir_ (path-expand "lib" gerbil-path)))
        (def bindir (or bindir_ (path-expand "bin" gerbil-path)))
        (def package (and package_ (if (symbol? package_) (symbol->string package_) package_)))
        (def libdir-prefix (if package (path-expand package libdir) libdir))
        (def build-deps (path-expand (or build-deps_ "build-deps") srcdir))
        (def parallelize (if (eq? parallelize_ #t) (gerbil-build-cores) (or parallelize_ 0)))
          srcdir libdir bindir package force? optimize debug static static-debug verbose build-deps
          libdir-prefix parallelize))
      rebind: #t)

     (def (source-path mod ext settings)
       (path-expand (path-default-extension mod ext) (settings-srcdir settings)))

    (def mod-modules (make-hash-table)) ;;; cache
    (def (mod-module mod (settings (current-make-settings)) (reload? #f))
      (let (v (hash-ref mod-modules mod (void)))
        (if (and (not (void? v)) (not reload?)) v
            (let* ((src (source-path mod ".ss" settings))
                   (m (and (file-exists? src) (gx#import-module src reload?))))
              (begin0 m (hash-put! mod-modules mod m))))))
    (def module-id gx#expander-context-id)
    (def module-id-set! gx#expander-context-id-set!)

    (def mod-core-modules (make-hash-table))
    (def (mod-core-module mod (settings (current-make-settings)) (reload? #f))
      ;; => (values prelude module-id module-ns body)
      (def (mrm)
        (let (v (if reload? (void) (hash-ref mod-core-modules mod (void))))
          (if (not (void? v)) v
              (let* ((src (path-force-extension mod ".ss"))
                     (rm (and (file-exists? src) (gx#core-read-module src))))
                (begin0 rm (hash-put! mod-core-modules mod rm))))))
      (let ((srcdir (path-normalize (settings-srcdir settings)))
            (cd (path-normalize (current-directory))))
        (if (equal? srcdir cd) (mrm)
            (parameterize ((current-directory srcdir))
    (def core-module-prelude (cut values-ref <> 0))
    (def core-module-id (cut values-ref <> 1))
    (def core-module-ns (cut values-ref <> 2))
    (def core-module-code (cut values-ref <> 3))

    (def (mod-module-id mod (settings (current-make-settings)))
      (let ((mcm (mod-core-module mod settings))
            (sp (settings-package settings)))
        ;; If the core module package is the same as the mod that means we could not
        ;; find a package.
        (if (equal? mod (symbol->string (core-module-id mcm)))
          ;; If we do not have a toplevel package we are the package.
          (if (not sp) (string->symbol mod)
              ;; otherwise add it as a super and return
              (string->symbol (path-expand mod sp)))
          ;; Otherwise the mrm has the right id
          (core-module-id mcm))))

     (def module-ns gx#module-context-ns)
     (def module-ns-set! gx#module-context-ns-set!)

     (def (prep-module-code module code)
       (gx#core-quote-syntax (gx#core-cons '%#begin code)
      (gx#module-context-path module) module []))


Date: 2020-07-29 Wed 00:00

Author: Drew Crampsie

Created: 2020-07-30 Thu 20:43